Saturday, 5 April 2014

Maths we like

It seems I have been too busy doing life to blog about it! As a Saturday night treat, here I am, blogging.

We have had a WHOLE term, with no complaints about mathematics. Actually, Miss 7 sits down several times a day, seven days a week (voluntarily) to do her maths. This is the first home education resource I have paid for and still been happy to use, in its entirety, four months later.

With Maths Online, we've got a year of access to all content between Prep and Year 12, for three students. Every lesson has an insntructional video, which is really clear. Questions can be done until the student is confident with the material. A report of all the work done that week by each student is emailed to me weekly. I can check in on the activity of each child, whenever I want. There are diagnostic tests available to use when we want to.

It has been a great help in supporting areas of need (it is so easy to go back and re-watch a lesson which has not been understood completely). It has also allowed our kids to work at a pace which suits them, in a way which we can measure. There are other ways which our kids study maths during the day, but this is a great foundation for making sure a whole lot of material is covered and understood.

I also love it, because it is work which the kids can sit down and do independently, while I chase a few other little boys around the house. Oh, my husband loves it too. He hacks the kids' accounts so he can re-live his high school maths glory days.

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